Marketing & Sales Collateral

When you’re in a cost crunch, you may think  the most cost-effective way to get sales materials on-demand is to wrestle with your office printer. Add up the time it takes you or your staff to manage the machine, weed out unusable copies, fold and staple the pieces, and you’ve blown a lot of time that could be spent on work with a much higher corporate value.

Bring your job to Pixos Print and get sharp, clear images and the highest possible impact of your sales or fundraising message. We make certain your finished pieces deliver the dynamic, consistent color you want to make your message pop. Pixos Print provides all finishing options; from stitching to spiral and perfect binding, and even per-piece personalization using variable data. We’ll even handle the direct mail distribution.

No matter how many or few pieces you need, Pixos Print can provide them quickly and cost-effectively. Contact us for an estimate.

  • High Quality, On Brand materials with accurate colors and crisp graphics

  • Quick, Easy and Accurate ordering and updates with Pixos Anytime

  • Customized materials for maximum relevance and impact

  • A wide range of Finishing options to create the optimal product